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The Aussie Runner Podcast covers the Australian running scene via trail, road and track. If you love running as much as we do, then join us on your next run as we talk to real Aussie runners and learn about all the things that make running great. Presented by Damon Roberts & Jeremy Francis.

May 7, 2023

Geoff & Neil speak to a man that’s made a name for himself in multi-day, frozen, sled carrying ultras … the kind where your back up plan if things go wrong is you & only you … oh & he’s also an high altitude mountaineer, Dad, author, TEDx presenter, nerd, Pharmacist & MBA.  Meet Paul Watkins, climber of the major peaks on all seven continents, the second Aussie to finish the 6633 Arctic Ultra & the first to win it.  Learn about his most recent race in Lapland, how he manages to train for super-cold races in the Australian climate, how he balances training with the typical family responsibilities and how a average mid-pack ultra runner wins long tough cold stuff halfway around the other side of the world.